New Delhi, April 4 (IANS) The tourism sector will generate an additional 2.5 crore jobs, both direct and indirect, during the 12th Five year Plan, Tourism Minister Subodh Kant Sahai said Wednesday.
According to the minister, the hospitality industry needs about 200,000 trained people every year but the supply was just about 18,000, which gets reduced to about 12,000 after adjusting an attrition of 30-35 percent.
"By the close of the 12th Plan, our efforts to expand the institutional infrastructure and broad-basing of hospitality education through universities, colleges, polytechnics and schools is expected to increase the supply of trained persons in a major way," Sahai said while presenting National Awards for excellence in hospitality education for 2010-11.
He added that direct employment in the hospitality sector will also be substantial and employment related to hospitality trades alone would be around 36 lakh.
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