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Brown could continue as British PM for weeks even if he loses elections

London, Wed, 31 Mar 2010 ANI

London, Mar. 31 (ANI): Under new Whitehall proposals, Gordon Brown may continue as the British Prime Minister for weeks even if he loses the general elections.


In order to prevent any immediate second election in the event of a hung parliament, British Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell and his associates are formulating a plan which could be agreeable to both Labour and the Tories.


The Telegraph quoted Sir Gus as telling a Commons committee that it would be up to Brown to decide when to resign even if the Conservatives were the biggest party in a hung parliament.


Civil servants have admitted that the need for stability is so great in the current economic crisis that Brown might have to remain in Number 10 for weeks in case of a hung parliament.


They point out that the Queen has the power to block an immediate second election if she believed it would be "detrimental to the national economy".


Brown has already indicated his desire to carry on as Labour leader even if he was defeated, and if he could form a Commons majority in a deal with the Liberal Democrats, he would remain at the Downing Street for the next term, the paper said.


According to Sir Gus' proposals, there would be a curb on what powers Brown could exercise until a settled government was formed.


However, if Brown fails to "command the confidence of the Commons" then David Cameron would be asked if he could secure a deal with minority parties to get his plans through, the paper added.


This process could take weeks so the new rules aim to hasten agreement between possible coalition partners. (ANI)


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