Blood Test to confirm neurodegenerative diseases
NI Wire, Wed, 9 Apr 2008
Many diseases can be cured if it can be diagnosed early but there are diseases that are detectable only after symptoms developed.
Breast cancer awareness varies among races
NI Wire, Tue, 1 Apr 2008
A study published in the journal Health Service Research finds that many women did not know that survival rates in women who
Cod liver oil can reduce arthritis pain
NI Wire, Thu, 27 Mar 2008
A recent study published in journal Rheumatology says that a daily dose of cod liver oil can ease the pain of arthritis.
Net addiction can develop clinical disorder: Dr. Block
NI Wire, Wed, 26 Mar 2008
To be too much computer and internet savvy can leads to mental disorder and can ruins your social life as users feel loneliness,
Tuberculosis, an invited ghost
NI Wire, Tue, 25 Mar 2008
Connotation has changed, Tuberculosis is no more restricted to poor and uneducated but has very much sniffed unprecendtly even into