Smoking kills 'good bacteria' from mouth, facilitates growth of pathogens
NI Wire, Fri, 17 Feb 2012
There is a new addition to the harmful effects of smoking. As per a scientist of Indian origin, this habit makes your body act against the useful bacteria, making smokers more prone to disease.
Nanoparticles in food, vitamins could be detrimental for humans
NI Wire, Fri, 17 Feb 2012
A recent study has found that billions of engineered nanoparticles commonly found in foods and pharmaceuticals, which are consumed by humans, can be more dangerous to health than what was presumed previously.
Trojan horse bacteria may cure the sleeping sickness
NI Wire, Thu, 16 Feb 2012
Those suffering from sleeping sickness may get a relief. In a recent study researchers have used a bacteria, which naturally resides in the tsetse fly, to release antibody fragments that can act against the trypanosome that causes sleeping sickness.
A small dose of Aspirin can halt Cancer: Study
NI Wire, Thu, 16 Feb 2012
Australian scientists have found that aspirin has ability to stop tumors from spreading. As per their opinion, the humble painkiller could act as the deterrent to stop cancerous growth.
Looking at mirror for long can make you anxious about your body image
NI Wire, Wed, 8 Feb 2012
If you are someone who looks at the mirror for long then there is news for you. Your habit of staring at mirror for long can make you more anxious about your looks, reveals a new study.