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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of the Chak One Hundred Ninety-Eight R WB city of Pakistan?

A: Chak One Hundred Ninety-Eight R WB city of country Pakistan lies on the geographical coordinates of 30° 0' 20" N, 72° 0' 55" E.

Latitude and Longitude of the Chak One Hundred Ninety-Eight R WB city of Pakistan in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 30.0 70.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 30° 0' 20" N 72° 0' 55" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:3323158.2630396513 Easting:212082.90387976757 Zone:43R

View Latitude of Pakistan.

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