Milk is a balanced diet. All of us have read in the junior classes that milk contains all the required nutrients (except Vitamin C) in the appropriate amount. Thus milk is considered to be a wholesome diet in itself.
Toned milk or low fat milk contains all the essential nutrients of milk minus high fat content and thus toned milk is considered very healthy to drink. A recent study propounds the idea that daily consumption of toned milk reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
The research was conducted upon more than 5,000 older adults ageing 45-84 by the researchers of United States and Norway. The study involved the observation of the eating habits and the kidney functions of all the adults. Their Albumin-to-Creatinine ratio (ACR) was also tested, as if the ACR ratio is too low, it points towards some malfunctioning in the kidney.
The report published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that it was found by the researchers that people drinking low fat milk and consuming milk products had better kidney function indicated by low ACR ratio.
It also stated that those who drank at least one glass of low fat milk everyday had 37 percent less risk of suffering from poor kidney functions. As kidney functioning is directly related to heart, it assures a healthy heart with lesser risk of heart attack and other heart related problems.
It was suggested in the U.S. Dietary guidelines that people should drink 3 glasses of low fat or fat-free milk everyday as milk fulfils the needs of all the required nutrients including Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Protein and Potassium. To ensure a healthy kidney functioning, one should add fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains including low fat milk in one's diet chart, which in turn maintain healthy heart conditions.