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San Fermine fiesta rocks Spain

Pamplona, Sat, 07 Jul 2007 NI Wire

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July 07: San Fermin is an internationally recognized festival of Spain. This festival which runs complete nine days all day and night is most celebrated phenomenon of Pamplona district of Spain held in memory of Saint Fermine. It is said that Saint Fermine was the son of a local patriarch who spread the word of god and so evoked the anger of some people who had beheaded him.

Festival starts every year on July 06 at noon in town hall of the city of Pamplona with the launching of rockets popularly known in Spain as “Chupinazo”, which indicates the starting of the festival. With the launching of the chupinazo the festival rocks into life. The town hall of the city remains packed to its corners. Very important event for which it is famous on earth is ‘bull running’ that was added to it in fourteenth century.

Another interesting event happens to be ‘food fight’ in which people throw on each other eggs, champagne, flour, water, catsup etc. Celebration starts with the opening and spray of the champagne bottles.

Red scarves had their own importance. People wear white shirts with scarves in their hands waving which turns the whole city into red. When first rocket is blasted people take their red scarves and tie around their necks.

It is the mayor who opens the festival with the cry of ‘long live San Fermine’. This echoes throughout the city. The festival begins by the municipal authorities’ procession to the church to attend the vespers sung in the honour of San Fermine accompanied by the musicians, their brass bands etc. Then there is parade of giants.

Event has been critised by the animal rights activists and members of PETA. They protested the Bull Run and had demonstrations on the streets of the eventful city.

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