This summer, follow healthy habits and stay healthy!
In most parts of India the average temperature already is touching 40 degree Celsius. It's high time to follow the healthy habits to avoid sunstroke and keep yourself healthy.
Healthy habits for summer
Yog Aasans and Pranayam
Get up early in morning and always go outside for morning walk. If you have time, perform following Yog Asans and Pranayam.
a) Surya Namaskara
b) Ardha Candrasana
c) Bhujangasana
d) Chakrasana
e) Dandasana
f) Halasana
g) Salabhasana
h) Vajrasana
i) Anulom Vilom Pranayam
j) Kapalbhati Pranayam
k) Shitali Pranayam
l) Aganisar Pranayam
Performing above Yog Asanas and Pranayama's will make your body healthy. It's very important to sleep early and get up early in the morning.
Food Habits
"What to eat in summer season?" this is the question of any health conscious people. In summer season, the digestive power of the body becomes weak and it becomes difficult for the body to digest heavy foods. So, take extra care while taking food.
Stay healthy by keeping your digestive system healthy, performing regular Yogas, and following the right food habits.