It is expected that the Election Commission of India will release the date of Vidhan Sabha elections of five states of the country. According to the sources, the dates of elections in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Manipur, Uttarakhand, and Goa will be released in a conference on Wednesday.
The tenure of the Vidhan Sabha of Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur will end in the middle of March whereas Uttar Pradesh’s Vidhan Sabha tenure will be end on May.
According to the constitution of India, elections were held before the ending of working period of any assembly.
Earlier, the Election Commission informed the states where elections were going to be held to prepare for elections. The Commission also informed the states to follow strictly the model Code of Conduct.
From many days, this was expected that the election commission should have to declare the dates of assembly elections of the five states and if the commission declared the elections date today, then all these states will have to prepare for the elections.
--with agency inputs