At a Swearing-in ceremony the President, Pranab Mukherjee greeted the newly appointed Chief Justice of India, Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar after administering the oath of office to him.
The Justice J. S Khehar was appointed as the 44th Chief Justice of India after the former Chief Justice T.S Thakur who communicated his recommendation to the government to appoint Justice Khehar on December 6, 2016. The Chief Justice Thakur retires on January 3, 2017 after tenure of a year.
The Justice Khehar, will be the first Chief Justice from the Sikh community, who led the Constitution Bench which scrapped the government’s National Judicial Appointments Commissions law.
Justice J.S. Khehar will have tenure for over seven months till August 28, 2017, earlier he assumed office as a judge of the Supreme Court on September 13, 2011.
The Newly appointed Chief Justice of J.S. Khehar also headed the branch which had set aside the imposition of President’s Rule in Arunanchal Pradesh in January 2016. He was also a part of the bench which sent Sahara Chief Subrata Roy to jail while hearing the matter relating to the refund of money invested by people in his two companies.