The Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal accused the Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using his mother for political benefit and said that the Prime Minister has a little heart. Accusing the Prime Minister the Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal urged him to allow her to live at the Prime Minister’s residence.
The AAP leader tweeted that, no one makes political benefit by using his mother in the politics and he also arised the issue of the Prime Minister’s mother standing in a queue for money. He tweeted that, “I keep my mother with me. Take her blessings every day but don’t broadcast it to the whole world. I do not make my mother stand in the queue for political benefit.”
The Delhi Chief Minister’s remarks came after Modi visited Gandhinagar to meet his mother and later tweeted about it. It was the Prime Minister earlier, who tweeted about the change in his program and visiting his mother.
The Prime Minister earlier this morning tweeted that, “Skipped Yoga and went to meet mother. Before dawn had breakfast with her. Was great spending time together.” The Prime Minister’s mother Heeraben is 97-year-old and lives with his brother in Gandhinagar.
After the Prime Minister’s tweet, the AAP leader also responded and said, the Prime Minister should let his mother live with him as his residence was “big enough.”
Arvind Kejriwal also said that, “According to Hindu religion and culture, one should keep his mother and wife with him. Prime Minister’s residence is quite big. Have a little heart.”
As you know, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi skipped Yoga and went to visit his mother in Gandhinagar. He also tweeted about his changed program.
--with agency inputs