Bollywood actress Sunny Leone who was last seen in "One Night Stand" is all gearing up for her next film, "Beimaan Love" along with Rajneesh Duggle .
Recently, the actress was spotted during dance rehearsals with choreographer Vishnu Deva for the film at Andheri. The first song teaser of the film Hug Me was launched on social media.
As you can see Sunny poses with Choreographer Vishnu Deva while practising her dance moves. Some part of the film already shot.
Vishnu deva Said, "I always try to bring something new in choreography, same thing I tried in Beimaan Love. Sunny Leone always curious for new steps and she is easily learns all the steps”.
Sunny Leone is playing the lead character opposite Rajniesh Duggal. Sunny daringly different, bold and fiery role in the movie will inspire and inject new energy and courage in women all over to lead a life on their own terms with dignity and pride.