Mumbai, June 2nd, 2016: Producer Sajid Nadiadwala along with director Rohit Dhawan and the dashing star cast of the film have launched the trailer today. Starring John Abraham, Varun Dhawan and Jacqueline Fernandez, the trailer totally meets the fan’s anticipation and excitement! The video features a fun action packed journey of three individuals who set out to find the missing cricketer, Viraj.
What follows is a plot full off twists, turns, action and of course romance! The buddy cops chemistry between John and Varun is one to watch out for while Jacqueline sizzles in every scene.
Scenic locations, romance, action and two hot dudes, this film will definitely make your hearts go Dishoom!
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Rohit Dhawan, the film is slated to release on July 29th, 2016.
Watch the trailer here: Dishoom Trailer Varun Dhawan John Abraham Jacqueline Fernandez Releasing 29th July.