Mumbai 2016: The makers of the movie Waiting, starring Kalki Koechlin and Naseeruddin Shah have released the second song from the movie. The song titled 'Zara Zara' is an emotional number that depicts an unconventional bond of friendship between Kalki and Naseerudin. The video features Vishal Dadlani and Kavita Seth who have also lent their voice for this soulful song. The song is composed by Mikey McCleary and written by Ankur Tewari.
‘Zara Zara’ is a song filled with depth and intensity not only in its music but also its picturisation. It leaves you wanting to be close to your loved ones and to never want to let go off them.
Directed by Anu Menon and produced by Ishka Films and Drishyam Films, ‘Waiting’ is set to release on May 27th.
Besides Naseeruddin Shah and Kalki Koechlin, the film that premiered at the Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF), also features Rajat Kapoor, Arjun Mathur and marks the debut of noted filmmaker Mani Ratnam’s wife, actor Suhasini Maniratnam in Hindi cinema. The film was also screened at the closing gala of the London Asian Film Festival and Menon won the Best Director Award at the event.
Click here to watch the video of 'Zara Zara' - Zara Zara - Waiting Kavita Seth & Vishal Dadlani Mikey McCleary
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