Candidates who have applied for the SSC higher secondary 10+2 level examination can download their admit cards online for SSC Combined higher secondary (10+2) level examination 2015.
Aspirants of SSC Muti Tasking Staff MTS examination 2015 - 2016 are looking to download SSC multitasking MTS admit card or hall ticket now.
Previously Staff Selection Commission had given advertisement for Multi Tasking Staff and a large number of youth had applied for the job. The candidates can now download their SSC MTS admit card or call letter in order to get a hassle free entry into the examination hall. The personnel recruited through the SSC MTS examination will man the various departments of the government.
As the examination for SSC MTS is just round the corner, the candidates can download their Admit Card for MTS examination 2015.
Click the following links to Download SSC MTS ADmit CArd 2015
For North Region (Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand) For Western Region(Maharashtra, Gujrat,Goa) For MP Sub-Region(Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh) For Eastern Region(West Bengal, Orrisa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim) for North Eastern Region(Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram) For Southern Region(Andhra Pradesh, Punduchery, Tamilnadu) For North Western Sub-Region(Hariyana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh) For Central Region(Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) wishes all the best aspirants of MTS exam 2015 - 2016.