Team Anna key member Gopal Rai has said that the movement, which had been started from Jantar-Mantar, will reach inside the Parliament. Corruption free India is our aim and we must achieve this no matter how much cost we will have to pay for it. Rai was addressing the people at the final day of the fast at Jantar-Mantar.
He said that Anna ji has started the movement against corruption and it is demand of time. Corruption has become a cancer for our society and that is why people of country have been supporting in large amount to our movement.
Anna has envisaged for a better tomorrow and corruption free state and the dream will certainly come true one day. To achieve the goal, he has neither any organization nor any coffer to achieve the goal. Still it will come true because public support is with team Anna, he added.
He said that now the struggle started from Jantar-Mantar would culminate when it will reach inside the Parliament. It will be the actual fight of true democracy in the country for which every Indian is ready.
2014 general election will be the right time when public can give a lesson to the government and its arrogance for people concern.