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A universal Cancer Vaccine that can kills 90% cancers developed

Tel Aviv, Tue, 10 Apr 2012 NI Wire

In a major breakthrough, Israeli scientists have developed a wonder vaccine that according to them, can kills 90% of cancer.

According to Tel Aviv researchers, a vaccine ImMucin has been developed using a molecule 'MUC1', found in 90% of cancers including breast cancer and prostate cancer, which trigger the immune system to recognize the rouge cells and kill them.

As it is known that our immune system can recognize only foreign body attacks like bacteria, virus, fungus etc. but not tumours as tumours develop from body's own cells and it malfunctions.

In a trial at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem, scientists have found that by injecting the right level of MUC1 can trigger the body to fight against cancer cells.

The team conduct an initial trial on 10 patients suffering a form of blood cancer. They were injected two to four courses of injection. Seven patients out of ten saw their immune system strengthened and three were left free of the disease.

The trials are now to be extended to more patients and different types of cancer.

They are being run by drug company Vaxil Biothera­peutics and scientists at Tel Aviv University.

The vaccine is designed for patients with cancer rather than as a preventative jab.

It is believed it could be most effective fighting tumours that are detected early or to help prevent the return and spread of the disease where patients have been in remission.

It is expected that it will take six more years to complete the trials and to be available the jab in market, researchers believe.

--With ANI Input--

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April 10, 2012 at 3:22 PM

Can this be used to cure malignant or atypical meningioma also?



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