A: Steinbach city of country Germany lies on the geographical coordinates of 50° 57' 0" N, 8° 19' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of the Steinbach city of Germany in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 51.0 | 9.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 50° 57' 0" N | 8° 19' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5644487.101387654 Easting:451999.7554909002 Zone:32U |
View Latitude of Germany. |
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What is Latitude and Longitude of Steinbach city?
What is Latitude and Longitude of Steinbach city?
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