Research explores relationship between fever & cancer occurrence
New Delhi, Aug 20 (ANI): In a new study, scientists have explored the relationship between fever and cancer incidence. The recurring patterns in patient accounts suggest the existence of an inverse relationship between the history of infectious fever and cancer risk which are documented throughout decades of medical literature. However, an evidence supporting this correlation continues to be primarily anecdotal. The repeated exposure to fever enhances the ability of Gamma delta (gd) T cells to detect cellular abnormalities and to foster inhospitable environment that destroy malignant cells. Infectious fever is the defensive and adaptive reaction that occurs when an organism’s immune system comes into contact with exogenous pyrogens, or pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP). Upon recognition of these exogenous pyrogens, endogenous mediators-also known as endogenous pyrogens-engage the febrile system. Exposure to infection significantly expands the quantity of gd T cells. During infection, blood Vg9Vd2 T cells can increase in number until they constitute 60 percent of the total amount of lymphocytes. The full findings appeared in the journal-Quarterly Review of Biology.