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Mixing energy drinks with alcohol has ill effects, says study

New Delhi, Aug 15 (ANI): If you like comsuming alchohol with energy drinks, beware! A key ingredient found in the energy drinks can worsen the negative effects of binge drinking, a new study reveals. Many people mix energy drinks with alcohol to neutralize the sedative nature of alcohol, tricking people into feeling more awake and less drunk than they really are. The researchers tested how taurine and alcohol (at volumes reflecting levels that would induce moderate human intoxication) affected the behavior of 192 zebrafish. The fish were divided into shoals (four fish per shoal) and were exposed to just water, taurine and alcohol separately or taurine and alcohol for one hour. The fish that were exposed to both alcohol and taurine had fewer interactions with other fish in the shoal compared to those exposed to water alone or just alcohol. These fish also showed more risky behavior than other groups. Researchers advised that people should be aware that drinking energy drinks in combination with alcohol may impair their judgment, and that they should do so with caution.


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