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3 Easy Crepe Paper Crafts

Crepe paper is probably one of the most easily available papers out there. However, there is one little difficulty added to it when it comes to working with crepes. I.e. It tears easily. However, no matter how hard it is, patience it the key to the solution. A little patience and careful handling have this difficulty taken care of. And the reason why we are willing to invest this carefulness and patience on crepe? Possibly because the crafts always turn out to be beautiful! Crepe paper crafts have always been insanely attractive and irresistible. The texture of crepe paper only adds to the appeal. CREPE PAPER FLOWER Who hasn't had the secret desire to decorate their scrapbook with little crafts made by themselves? Scrapbooks have always held a special place in every person's heart, be it for themselves or a gift for a loved one. One always fills a scrapbook with lots of care and love. So, decorating it with some handmade crafts only makes it that much more special. Here is a pretty flower you can decorate your scrapbook cover with. Materials: Crepe paper Scissors Toothpick Glue Method: 1. Take a crepe paper and cut a rectangle of size 14cm by 10cm. 2. Cut the rectangle into three rectangles of different sizes as shown. 3. Fold the paper as shown, one-third of the paper inwards from one corner and outwards from the other corner. 4. Now, fold it in half. Cut it as shown. Repeat with the other two papers as well. 5. Take a toothpick. 6. Starting from the smaller size, apply some glue at the bottom of the paper and stick it around the toothpick as shown. 7. Similarly, paste the medium-sized and then the large-sized paper petals as well. 8. Take a square sheet of green crepe of size about 5 cm. 9. Fold it in half. Fold again. Now, cut it as shown. Paste these two leaves on the bottom. 10. Voila! your flowers are ready! CREPE PAPER BOWL It is not just paper flowers that one can make using crepe paper. Here are the steps on how to make a simple and pretty bowl using crepe paper. You can use this bowl to store your little trinkets or even your crafting materials. Materials: Crepe paper Mod podge Balloon Pin Scissors Method: 1. Blow a balloon until it is big enough as shown. 2. Cut different coloured crepe papers into small pieces of different shapes and sizes. 3. Apply mod podge over to the bottom of the balloon and paste a few pieces of crepe on it. 4. Apply some mod podge on the paper as well. Paste some more papers over it. 5. Repeat until the balloon is fully covered by the paper, leaving only the top empty. 6. Let it dry for at least 24 hours. 7. Burst the balloon using a pin and remove it. 8. Cut and trim the top evenly as shown. 9. Voila! Your crepe paper bowl is ready for use. DIY WATER LILY Another flower that can be made using crepe paper is a water lily. The texture of the paper only gives the flower a more realistic look, and it sure is appealing to look at! Materials: Crepe paper Scissors Method: 1. Cut a small rectangle of size 7cm by 2.5cm from crepe paper. 2. Cut the top of the rectangle at a slanted angle from both sides to form a triangle as shown. 3. Cut a slit at the bottom in the middle. Gently pull the paper at the top as shown. 4. Apply some glue on the flaps created by the slit and stick on the flap over the other. 5. Make several more of these. These are your petals. 6. Take a small circle cardstock. Apply some glue on it. 7. Paste the petals on it, starting from the outside corner of the circle. Paste three layers. 8. Take a strip of yellow crepe paper. Cut slits along one side and then roll up the paper as shown. 9. Paste the end in place by applying some glue. Paste this in the centre of the flower. 10. Voila! Your water lily is ready! Watch more: Follow us on Instagram: Subscribe YouTube:


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