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10 Surprising Foods That Cause Gas

We always think that the healthy foods are good to eat, but for many they create too much gas buildup in the stomach or small intestine, causing bloating and a puffy belly. Here are 10 surprising foods that cause gas. Watermelon High in fructose, a sugar in fruit. Your body can have trouble digesting it. Mangoes Contains more fructose than glucose, makes it harder for the fructose to be absorbed by our body. Apples It can trigger fructose malabsorption, which leads to bloating. Garlic High in fructans, a type of fibre made up mostly of fructose molecules. Onions Contains a natural sugar called fructose, this sugar contributes to gas. Snow peas Contain galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), a chain of sugars that are hard to digest and cause bloating. Plums Packed with polyols, they are fermented by gut bacteria, which leads to stomach problems like bloating. Tomato Because of their high acidic content, can stimulate the production of stomach acids which can result in bloating and gas. Bread Contains fructan, a water-soluble fiber for which humans lack the digestive enzymes to break down. Avocado Packed full of good fats and essential fibre and is a high polyol food, higher rate of indigestion and risk of gas. Watch more: Like us: Subscribe: Follow us: Follow us: A Ventuno Production


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