To travel around Shimla for sightseeing purpose you can hire cab service in Shimla which is available all through the day at varying price. If you need to make your journey more economic you can avail also local buses that are available all through the city locations round the clock. There are three or four bus stands in and around the center of the city and for going to any area in the close vicinity of the city location in the day time bus service is available throughout the day and at a price that should be considered as one of the cheapest compared to the bus tickets in other parts of the country. Another way of getting around in Shimla is through the shared taxi service of the Himachal government transport authority. There are two main stands of this taxi service in Shimla; one is near the Shimla high court and the other near the central telegraph office on the mall road. From these two stands you can travel just with minimum passenger fare close to the cost of a bus ride to various destinations within the city limit of Shimla. Where you want to go at the given day and moment determines whether you should travel by taxi or bus or just on foot or you should hire cab. For example, a nice walk up to the cliff of Jakhu Hill is really a pleasurable journey as at different heights and positions along the way you can enjoy different levels of mountain beauty. Or for example if you want to go to Chail, visit the place until evening and want to come back to Shimla just within the day's end, you should hire a cab or else stay overnight at hotel and start your journey in the following day buy bus. Throughout Mall road or within the city for visiting various places you can just walk on foot and this would give you many unexpected chances of seeing the color of nature change to different shades of beauty.
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