From the ancient time Patna was famous for an educational center when Nalanda University was the center for study and it had enchanted many foreigners for study and knowledge. Still today Patna is an education hub for the many competition examinations. Apart from this, various universities and Central educational institutions of Patna have been providing high quality education and facilities, which attract students from various localities. Magadh University, Patna University, Nalanda open university, National Gandhi Institute of Medical Science are the some of the best institutions situated in Patna. Chandragupata institute of Management, Amity Global Business Schools are the latest institutions, which provide a better education center in the country.
Now Patna has got the Indian Institute of Technology institute, which is the premiere Institute in the country in the field of engineering education. Many medical institutes are available in Patna including Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Science, Patna Medical College Hospitals etc that are providing the best facilities to its students and playing a key role for better treatment and healthcare system.
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