Often referred as the junior Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan is an actor in India film industry, popularly known as bollywood. Born on February 5, 1976 in Mumbai to superstar parents Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan, he has made a place for himself in the Indian film industry and has essayed a large number of roles. The man can boast his legacy in the fields of arts, as he is also the grandson of famous Hindi poet Harivanshrai Bachchan. Making his debut in the J. P Dutta's directorial venture 'Refugee' he has acted in large number of movies right from romantic comedies to actions thrillers. Having suffered a slew of flops he has started making his mark off late.
Let us have a look on the life of the actor who belongs to respectable lineage. This scion of Bachchan clan has done his schooling from Mumbai and Delhi before he went to Aiglon College in Switzerland and later Boston University. He has an elder sister Shweta Bachchan-Nanda who is married to an industrial family. In the year 2007 news that Abhishek Bachchan married film actress and former miss world Aishwarya, the couple is blessed with a female child.
Let us have a look on the acting career of Abhishek Bachchan. His debut movie Refugee was moderately successful on the box office. But his other films like Kuch Naa Kaho and Bas Itna Sa Khwaab Hai, were not successful on the box office. He gave 17 flops one after one. His role in films like Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon Yuva was well appreciated. He bounced back with commercially successful Dhoom. Later films like Sarkar and Dus gave him credibility as an actor. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna is a major hit to his credit. After that junior Bachchan has given quite a hit and flops. His films like Guru and Dostana were moderately success.
Abhishek Bachchan has great potentials to go ahead in his career.