Before finding out the solution of this question, let’s first understand the procedure of pin pointing the place using latitude and longitude coordinates. Each grid of the coordinate is determined with degree that is further divided by minutes and then seconds. We represent Degree to (°)symbol, minutes to (′) symbol and second to (″) symbol. Each degree of latitude is approximately 111.021 k.m. that can be divided into 60 minutes 1.85035 k.m or 1850.35 meter, and each minute is divided by 60 seconds resulting 30.8391 meter.
A degree of longitude varies in size. At the equator, it is approximately 111.021 k.m., the same size as a degree of latitude. The size gradually decreases to zero as the meridians converge at the poles. At a latitude of 45 degrees, a degree of longitude is approximately 78.841 k.m. Because a degree of longitude varies in size, minutes and seconds of longitude also vary, decreasing in size towards the poles.
We can find out the latitude and longitude of the place if we know the distance of the place from equator and prime median along with the direction from latitude and longitude.