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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Tanzania?

A: Tanzania lies on the geographical coordinates of 6° 0' 0" S, 35° 0' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Tanzania in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -6.0 35.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 6° 0' 0" S 35° 0' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:9336391.424701635 Easting:721383.1455037979 Zone:36M


More detail about Tanzania

Tanzania is Home to Many Refugees

Tanzania is an eastern African country that is right alongside a series of different countries. It is surrounded by Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia and a few smaller countries. A large number of people from countries that surround Tanzania have flocked into Tanzania as refugees.

It is estimated that Tanzania has more refugees than any other country in Africa. It is estimated that there are about half a million refugees living in the country. These people have been living in various parts of Tanzania with many flocking to the coastal cities of Zanzibar and Dar Es Salaam.

Most of these refugees have come from surrounding countries where wars and famine are occurring. A large number of refugees are specifically from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This country has experienced a substantial amount of political limitations.

There are also thousands of refugees from Rwanda and Burundi who are living in Tanzania as a means of escaping the wars in these areas. In fact, there are a little over a quarter of a million refugees from Burundi who are living in Tanzania.

The reason why all of these refugees are calling Tanzania home comes from how the country operates with a safer government. The government has been holding democratic elections for decades. The two top parties in Tanzania have been well united towards working together to improve the country.

The refugees are also more likely to get jobs in Tanzania than what they might get out of where they are from. The gross domestic product and employment rate in Tanzania have both increased over the past few years thanks to the higher levels of gold production around the country. However, there are still worries about the amounts of money that people are earning. About a third of all people in the country are still under the poverty line.

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