A: Suriname lies on the geographical coordinates of 4° 0' 0" N, 56° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Suriname in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 4.0 | -56.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 4° 0' 0" N | 56° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:442194.9724882408 Easting:611011.3296833987 Zone:21N |
More detail about Suriname
Suriname and its Riches
In case you're not well acquainted to where Suriname is located, it's a small country found to be part of the Southern America. This country hasn't been really blessed and endowed with enormous resources that will attract travelers and become the ultimate and most visited tourist destination. There are travel spots actually; however, they're very minimal in number compared to other American countries.
Despite its restrictions, Suriname is nonetheless rich in their culture and traditions. This holds true as well when we talk about its environment and nature. In fact, it has a wide array of wildlife and plants. Suriname has used this to their advantage and turned these resources into ecotourism which is an added source of revenue to their economy; uplifting foreign exchange.
The forest reserve known as the Grand Etang envelopes some of the country's beautiful wildlife sanctuaries and is also a worthy spot to visit. In fact, the country's national reserves are known to be the go to place for foreign travelers. It has become the front liner when it comes to Suriname travel destination; hence, the government mandated aggressive conservation programs in order to protect these resources.
On the other hand, Suriname also has a rich and diverse cultural background which won't bore you at all once you visit their national museum or any of their archaeological exhibits. Knowing their roots helps keep you in tune with the country's environment. When you walk in the streets of Suriname, you'll notice that you won't feel alien at all since people here are very warm and hospitable. It will feel like you have never left the comforts of your own home. This kind of mentality has helped Suriname keep international tourists to coming back and revisit.
In a country as small as this, it's like going back to the basics where life is a bit laid- back and is more in touch with nature. This kind of feature is a true wealth.