A: Qatar lies on the geographical coordinates of 25° 30' 0" N, 51° 15' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Qatar in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 25.5 | 51.25 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 25° 30' 0" N | 51° 15' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2820337.5031276117 Easting:525124.4277425961 Zone:39R |
More detail about Qatar
Qatar is a Country on the Rise
Qatar is a country that has been growing in size over the years. It has been able to avoid some of the pitfalls that some other countries have suffered from over the years with regards to how their economies are run. The country is growing thanks to its relative peace and its useful resources.
It is estimated that Qatar has the world?s fastest growing economy. The country has become especially notable for its oil and gas production. Qatar is located in a part of the Middle East that is noted for being rich in oil. The fact that the only country it borders is Saudi Arabia helps to make it easy for the country to continue to grow without a large amount of pressure from different countries around the Middle East.
In fact, Qatar has been able to set its problems with other countries aside. Qatar has ended its disputes with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, thus helping to create a series of free trade agreements and transactions between one another. This is a great benefit that is helping to give Qatar a better chance to develop.
Natural gas has become a key resource in Qatar. The country supplies more than ten percent of the world?s natural gas resources. The natural gas industry also employs a number of people.
It is highly expected that Qatar will be able to link to more countries with special agreements and trade deals over the years. A big part of this comes from how Qatar will be the host to the 2022 World Cup. This special sporting event will draw a number of people from all around the Middle East and should make for a notable event that will help to bring more money into Qatar. This money could be used for improving transportation and other things all around the country.