A: Northern Marianas Islands lies on the geographical coordinates of 15° 12' 0" N, 145° 45' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Northern Marianas Islands in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 15.2 | 145.75 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 15° 12' 0" N | 145° 45' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1680831.1312709623 Easting:365732.1364430347 Zone:55P |
More detail about Northern Marianas Islands
Funding for Northern Marianas Islands Decline
The Northern Marianas Islands have a few different industries that contribute to their economy. In the past, they have received substantial funding from the United States. This funding has been on the decline because the revenues brought in by the industries that the nation is involved with have started to increase. This is a good sign for the Northern Marianas Islands as it means a new sense of self-sufficiency.
The tourism industry as for many other similar locations is a hot spot for tourists. There are some very beautiful areas on these islands with many activities to take advantage of. Because of the location of the islands, the bulk of the tourists come from Japan. The tourism industry is the main industry for this nation and accounts for half of the jobs as well as a quarter of the revenue that the government takes in.
Due to difficulties in the Japanese economy, there have been fewer tourists heading out of the country for their vacations. This has affected the amount of revenue taken in by the Northern Marianas Islands. This has only caused a temporary slowdown within the economy and it is expected to pick back up in the future.
Other than tourism, there are other industries that add some revenue. They produce various types of crops such as tomatoes, melons, and coconuts. They also raise livestock and in fact, they have a number of cattle ranches in the country. They also have a sizeable garment production industry in these areas, and it is considered to be the most important industry. They employ over 17,000 individuals from China in this sector. They make large shipments of these garments to the United States under the agreement of duty and quota exemptions.
With the industries in this region growing and the need for funding less now than before, the United States is pulling the funds slowly. This doesn't have to be seen as a negative because the locals can become more dependent on themselves to expand the economy.