A: Mauritius lies on the geographical coordinates of 20° 17' 0" S, 57° 33' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Mauritius in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -20.2833 | 57.55 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 20° 17' 0" S | 57° 33' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:7757072.6526133325 Easting:557429.9224225823 Zone:40K |
More detail about Mauritius
Mauritius Continuing Its Success
Out of all of the competitive economies in Africa, Mauritius has one of the top. They have a good GDP at market prices and their per capital income is one of the highest. The economy in this nation is comprised of a few main components.
They do well in tourism, financial services, textiles and sugar. In the last few years, their involvement in the property development, hospitality and seafood industries has also increased, as have the healthcare, education, training, and renewable energy sectors. These growing industries have attracted large amounts of investment from various local and foreign investors.
The foundation of what was its economic strategy ? textiles and sugar ? the trade preferences and a mainstay of its exports, was phased out. This led to the government implementing some reforms in 2005. The government wanted to open up the economy and to improve the economic climate for investment. These changes were quite noticeable as there was a faster rate of growth, a decrease in unemployment rates and the rate of diversification of the economy also sped up.
These reforms assisted in Mauritius staying strong through the global financial crisis. While there were some affects, many were absorbed because of the changes. The nation resumed their fast pace of growth through 2010 and it is expected to continue on through 2011.
The success of Mauritius economy may be largely due to the free market economy and the encouragement of the development of private entrepreneurship. They have a wealth of private businesses that bring in their own revenue and leave the economy very successful. There is a firm legal structure in place for these businesses to rely on thus making the prospect for opening an entrepreneurship look bright. With the digital infrastructure, telecommunications and increased access to high speed internet, they are setting up to see even more growth.