A: Kazakhstan lies on the geographical coordinates of 48° 0' 0" N, 68° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Kazakhstan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 48.0 | 68.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 48° 0' 0" N | 68° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5316784.009407859 Easting:425404.8875130134 Zone:42U |
More detail about Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Competing For Stability
A newly established independent state in the year 1991, Kazakhstan has embraced their devotion to stride for economic stability. The Kazakh administration exhibited a strong commitment to establish a foundation to a market that?s open and free-flowing which could be a major contributor to its growing economy. Coming from a Soviet community, they followed its centralized method of planning for the economy wherein the physical infrastructure is given much consideration.
Kazakhstan is geographically considered as the world?s largest small country. It seizes to be one of the world?s largest producer of fossil fuels, and even an enormous supply of both metals and minerals including but not limited to zinc, copper, and uranium.
It is also a fact that agriculture is a main player and contributor of how the Kazakhs have managed to take a place in the world market. This self-reliant state is one of the major producers of grains and livestock in the world. They?re notable in growing and exporting tons of livestock meat that occupies every stall and meat section on various supermarkets. Farming doesn?t fall behind as well; in fact, the recent increase in the annual revenues was a result of a really good productive harvest.
Meanwhile, Kazakhstan is also becoming a self-reliant country with regards to their industrial policy. They are now greatly embarking on a diverse method from stroking away to being overly dependent from the neighbouring countries on the sector of fuel and oil; also, to create more market with Russia as its economical ally. This economic reform will further propel them to tie up with other dominant countries. More so, it also helped to grow Kazakh?s economy.
Nonetheless, it is still with oil that they derive their economy?s growth. Over the years, Kazakhstan haggled with other oil companies from the Western part of the world in terms of various agreements with production particularly the Karachaganak project.