A: Japan lies on the geographical coordinates of 36° 0' 0" N, 138° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Japan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 36.0 | 138.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 36° 0' 0" N | 138° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3988111.9622730343 Easting:229578.6299392304 Zone:54S |
More detail about Japan
Japan - Resilience and Patience
The self-resilience and independence of the Japanese has proven time and again
that the people in the 'land of the rising sun' are made of steel but hearts of
gold. They have an amazing ability to give and not expect back anything. The
selfless nation of Japan has contributed to the world in major ways as we have
seen amazing scientific inventions, technological advancements from this nation.
The Japanese culture has attracted trade from all over the world and the nation
has risen today from hard effects of the Second World War. Japan has a great
tradition of martial arts, spiritualism, and also one of the most anciently
preserved practices of agriculture. The nation withstood the American onslaught
and fought back with great pride.
The medium of instruction in schools and colleges is Japanese and people from
different countries work in Japan after learning their language. Even though
they are not an English speaking nation, they have managed to contribute through
science and technology, education, business and commerce and information
Japan has the highest standard of living in the world today. The Japanese tea is
very famous and is a craze for the tourists who flock here. Even in the early
part of the 20th century, the Japanese were far ahead in their manufacturing and
The consistent fluctuation of inflation hasn't affected the Japanese economy and
is known to be the second largest in the world behind the US. The Japanese
culture is synonymous with warmth, friendship and hospitality.
A Buddhist nation as She is, the nature of the populace also resonates with the
principles of this religion. Tokyo is open to all kinds of cultures, teachings,
and professional ethics. The highest paid jobs in Japan are mainly from Tokyo.
TTransport is never a problem with Japan being the one among the first to invent
high-speed trains.