A: Jamaica lies on the geographical coordinates of 18° 15' 0" N, 77° 30' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Jamaica in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 18.25 | -77.5 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 18° 15' 0" N | 77° 30' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2019651.8223327794 Easting:235651.00340801763 Zone:18Q |
More detail about Jamaica
Jamaica, Propelling To The Top!
The global market is a very competitive world and throughout the years Jamaica has strived its way from the being the oppressed country towards becoming one of the most developing and promising country. Its ultra-rich history defines what kind of country Jamaica really is.
Jamaica takes pride in its sundry yet open-market economy which is composed of a permutation of both the private companies and government-owned entities. The two most vital sectors which are responsible in keeping the market booming and stable are mining and tourism. Their manufacturing and agriculture industry are also big players in their economy.
Unlike any other tourist destinations which require a seasonal period to really get the best of the place, Jamaica happens to have so many vacation opportunities to offer all year-round. Without skipping a single year, more and more people from every part of the world take a break and just visit the country. A lot of these travellers want to take a plunge in the country?s world class beach resorts namely Ocho Rios, Kingston, Port Antonio, Kingston, South Coast, and Negril. This also provides a big boost in the economy as it also contributes in providing employment to the people setting aside its own sector. It is like a chain empowering Jamaican farmers who are selling their crops to the hotels who serve really great dishes to their customers and also those painters who sell their pieces in the nearest shopping stores.
Famed to be an international generator of bauxite, Jamaica ships tens of these in the United States, Norway, and Canada for further production. Bauxite is a kind of mineral that is utilized in manufacturing aluminium which is very in demand nowadays. This is not the only mineral that?s being generated in this country. They also have large amount of alabaster, agate, limestone, marble, and gypsum deposits.
Ever since Jamaica was freed from slavery, their agricultural outputs were put to the test. It was a complete struggle for them to withstand the adversity of times. Their sector gyrates mainly around cultivating and exporting various crops including but not limited to the following: banana, citrus, coconut, cocoa, the allspice pimento, and other root crops. On top of the above mentioned list is coffee where Jamaica is also internationally acclaimed to be the leading exporter. The Blue Mountain coffee is an example of the brands they export which are being sold to Japan. Needless to say, the coffee industry?s a very demanding trade that needs tens and tens of employees which is really good opportunity for natives.
With the evolving trend, the economy of Jamaica is continuously coping up. Currently, they are trying out on aquaculture since they are equally blessed with fresh water entities. They can do shrimp and oyster farming. Moreover, they are competing with other dominating brands on spices and flavourings.
This comprehensive crusade that the country implemented in order to uplift further their economy had fostered stability and growth. The impact has been great so far since the 1990s. If the government continues on putting together beneficial policies like the exchange rates and the likes, there is no doubt that Jamaican economy will sooner be at par with other prominent traders like Europe and North America.