A: Iran lies on the geographical coordinates of 32° 0' 0" N, 53° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Iran in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 32.0 | 53.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 32° 0' 0" N | 53° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3542183.491010905 Easting:688927.6380704818 Zone:39S |
More detail about Iran
Iran has a stable economy with efficient government
Situated in the Middle East, like all other countries there, the economy of Iran is mainly steered by its huge oil reserves. Iran holds about 10% of the total oil reserves in the world. After the war ended with Iraq, the Iranian Government continued its quest for rebuilding the oil production, and enhanced export facilities. Iran has developed its petrochemical industries since then.
Furthermore, in 1995, the Iranian Government took an intelligent decision. They made it open for the foreign countries to contribute in the developments of oil production in the form of buy back deals. This encouragement to the foreign investors is incredible on the part of the government of Iran.
Besides the oil reserves, Iran also has a number of mineral resources. Iran boasts of the largest reserves of zinc, and second largest reserves of copper. Other important minerals are iron, gold, manganese, coal, chromium, uranium etc.
Another sector where Iran wishes to leave its mark on is ? telecommunications. Iran has one of the fastest growing telecommunication markets in the world. Iranian Government aims at becoming the leader of Middle Eastern telecommunication market, and has cleverly encouraged the private sector to invest and fulfill its goal.
Once, Iran was indebted to foreign aid, which has been tactfully been paid off by the responsible Iranian Government. The five year plan, on which the government works, is well planned and equally well executed.
But, there is one factor where Iran is facing a problem with. The environment has been polluted badly due to the high industrialization and deforestation in the state. The citizens of Iran have put pressure on the government to take care of this issue. As a result of this, the Iranian Government has taken the initiative of setting up different environmental department, to look after this area.