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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Hong Kong?

A: Hong Kong lies on the geographical coordinates of 22° 15' 0" N, 114° 10' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Hong Kong in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 22.25 114.1667
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 22° 15' 0" N 114° 10' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:2463234.4006663947 Easting:207974.28024803818 Zone:50Q


More detail about Hong Kong

Hong Kong ? Heavenly country with flourishing economic

Hong Kong, an island which is situated at the southern side of China, is a famous travel destination. With expansive skyline and sky-scrapping buildings, the city looks gorgeous. In 1839 the refusal by the Qing Dynasty, to import opium gave rise to the Opium War. China and Britain got into wars with each other, in which Britain emerged the rulers, and Hong Kong became a British Colony since 1841. In the year of 1997, the sovereignty of Hong Kong was transferred to China.

Hong Kong received a number of blows in that same year, yet today the island is one of the leaders of the international finance. A capitalist economy is followed in Hong Kong that does not require high taxation. The free trade also has gone a long way in giving Hong Kong the present state of economic status that it enjoys at present. Hong Kong boasts of a strong banking system and no public debt virtually. The Hong Kong Government has a strict legal system in action and rigorous anti-corruption measures. The Hong Kong dollar is the ninth most traded currency of the world.

The success of Hong Kong also lies in the fact that they have ample labor supply which they have mixed with modern technology of the west. The fabulously planned infrastructure of the country can be a cause of envy for any other countries in the world. The Hong Kong economy has emerged as a winner in this age of globalization, with sufficient amount of foreign reserves, yet according to the Gini coefficient, the wealth gap is a concern for Hong Kong.

Travel and tourism sector has flourished in Hong Kong, and the country earns huge revenue from this. The coast and the skyline, with the dazzling buildings at night just set the city apart from rest of the world. Hong Kong becomes a synonym for glitz and blitz.

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