A: Greenland lies on the geographical coordinates of 72° 0' 0" N, 40° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Greenland in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 72.0 | -40.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 72° 0' 0" N | 40° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:7989218.755382342 Easting:465510.9814608897 Zone:24X |
More detail about Greenland
Greenland Great Contender for Top Tourism Rankings
There are only a select number of things that Greenland thrives on but they do
well with what they have. The economy is dependent largely on the fishing
industry. This is a major factor in the economy for more than one reason.
Because the country does so well with fishing, the sector also received
government backing for it.
The public sector in Greenland is made up of municipalities which contribute to
the economy as well. There are many public enterprises that make up the public
sector aside from the municipalities.
There are various minerals and hydrocarbons available in this country but they
have not been used to the extent that they perhaps could. This applies to both
local and international companies. There is a mining industry in Greenland and
it has been developed to extract various minerals from the ground. The minerals
that are being extracted are iron, cryolite, lead, and zinc. There have been
deposits of copper, coal, molybdenum, and uranium discovered but not as much
development has been made with these minerals.
Aside from fishing, there are two other industries that Greenland does well
with. These are with furs and handicrafts. The locals make some amazing items as
souvenirs and otherwise with furs and other craft items.
The exports from Greenland mainly focus on fish and fish products but the list
of imports is more extensive. They import such things as manufactured goods,
machinery and transport equipment, petroleum products, and food items.
With the import list being larger than the export list, the country has focused
on bringing more tourists over. This sector has already contributed a lot to the
economy but the government officials as well as locals see this part increasing
over time. It is important to Greenland to achieve this as there are many
regions of the area that would benefit from it.