A: Gabon lies on the geographical coordinates of -1° 0' 0" S, 11° 45' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Gabon in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -1.0 | 11.75 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | -1° 0' 0" S | 11° 45' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:9889341.572174182 Easting:806078.1141392239 Zone:32M |
More detail about Gabon
Gabon Receiving Mixed Reviews for Economy Lacking Diversity
Gabon?s economy through some of the numbers would not be so bad but there are
some questions as to where the money is going. The economy in the region is
created by the oil and in fact, makes enough revenue to cover almost half of the
budget of the government. The oil makes up slightly less of the GDP and over
three quarters of the exports. Oil did have a decline in 1997 but there is still
room for making more money in after-oil activity.
Despite the fact that there were revenues coming in from the oil, Gabon got into
trouble with not spending these funds efficiently. There were accusations of
overspending on items that were not on the budget.
There are other natural resources that Gabon has to offer. Before the oil
discover, logging was on the top of the list. Logging is still a major
contributor to the economy as is manganese mining. There have been discoveries
of iron deposits in some recent explorations. These reserves have never been
touched and may be used to introduce another form of employment.
Gabon is highly involved in the primary processing procedures and is often
criticized because of the lack of diversity in their economy. There are
investments being put into the agricultural and tourism sectors of this area.
The small service sectors that exist in Gabon are monopolized by a few large
local investors.
This area is involved with trading with other countries such as France, China
and the European Union. Their exports include wood, manganese, and petroleum.
They rely heavily on imports from the same three countries plus Belgium. Their
imports include automobiles, food, machinery, manufactured goods, and
construction equipment.
There is a lack of diversity seen within these regions but there is also decent
revenue being brought in from their industries. One might wonder whether it is
diversity or correctly managed spending that is truly needed.