A: French Guiana lies on the geographical coordinates of 4° 0' 0" N, 53° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of French Guiana in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 4.0 | -53.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 4° 0' 0" N | 53° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:442397.822878421 Easting:277943.6169987038 Zone:22N |
More detail about French Guiana
French Guiana Still Dealing with Unemployment
French Guiana might be better known to tourists for its beauty but for those who
live there, the economy leaves something to be desired. The economy is linked
with that of France because of the imports and the subsidies. There are a few
focuses of the economy ? the French space center located in Kourou accounts for
a quarter of their GDP, plus the fishing and forestry industries.
Ninety percent of the country is covered in trees, which allows them to take
advantage of the forestry industry to a great extent. This woodland, largely
made up of hardwoods is not fully exploited therefore leaving some to keep
growing but the sawmill industry is growing. This country is looking to expand
its exports of sawn logs meaning that it will need to use up more of the
woodland reserves.
French Guiana does have some crops that they grow. These crops are limited to
growing along the coastal areas. The main crops are rice and manioc, which are
grown also in the highly populated areas. Other crops include corn, cocoa,
vegetables and bananas. They have farms that grow livestock such as cattle,
poultry and pigs. This country is very dependent on the import of foods and
Due to tough economical times and other hardships, the employment rate is
suffering. There are low rates of employment especially amongst the younger
people. The jobs that are available are divided mostly between agriculture and
industry, with the majority of the remaining jobs coming from the commerce,
government and services industries.
The country features such exports as timber, gold, rum, shrimp, clothing and
rosewood essence. Although they have some exports, their level of imports
outweighs them drastically. French Guiana has some difficulties to overcome in
the future but with some time, they may be able to do just that.