A: Fiji lies on the geographical coordinates of 18° 0' 0" S, 175° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Fiji in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -18.0 | 175.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 18° 0' 0" S | 175° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:8008672.02738949 Easting:288239.7295183191 Zone:60K |
More detail about Fiji
Fiji - The Story Behind The Most Exotic Island Nation
When people think of islands the first ones that come to mind are the clich?
Caribbean variety. It turns out that Fiji is the most exotic island nation, and
with good reason. However, it is more than just a holiday destination, but it is
also a productive and successful country in its own right.
As with many island nations, Fiji also pays attention to improving its tourism.
However, instead of relying solely on this, it has tapped into other resources.
This includes sugar, fishing and property development. Despite several hiccups
along the way, with foreign aid and investment, Fiji has managed to set a firm
financial base for future endeavors.
The Fijian government and people have always been good about making the most of
the natural beauty that exists. This has given rise to a bustling tourism
industry that has long been the mainstay of the economy. In this regard, the
country is most famous for its wide range of aquatic opportunities. Whether you
fancy a stroll along the pristine beaches or love the feeling of adrenaline
pumping there is something for everyone. The South Pacific makes for a great
chance to enjoy water sports like scuba diving, deep sea diving, surfing and
Another aspect of Fijian life that cannot be overlooked is the unique fusion of
cultures. The influences stem largely from India, China, and some parts of
Europe. Over the past decade or two, this culture seemed to be fading, and much
of the population took their cues from the Western pop culture. Recently,
however, Fijians have reconnected with their heritage, and their culture
resonates through all aspects of life including literature, art, food, music and
So, if you are looking for the real exotic and full cultural experience of Fiji,
now is the time to go.