A: El Salvador lies on the geographical coordinates of 13° 50' 0" N, 88° 55' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of El Salvador in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 13.8333 | -88.9167 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 13° 50' 0" N | 88° 55' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1530118.9832958807 Easting:292831.2884408025 Zone:16P |
More detail about El Salvador
El Salvador - It May Be Small But It Sure Packs A Punch
Many people do not regard El Salvador very highly and they often dismiss it as
being just another Southern American country, since it is the smallest country
in the Americas. Upon closer inspection you will realize that its population is
making inroads and facilitating key development.
First things first, it is worth your while to look at the country at a glance
and take the time to appreciate its natural features, which serve to be a good
contribution to its reputation. Having much of its outer bounds along the
Pacific Coast, El Salvador offers many stunning beaches with blue waters and
soft sand. Two popular ones include La Costa de Sol and La Libertad. This also
makes room for great scuba diving and fishing experiences. For some good culture
you can enjoy the food, music, the architecture, and of course the company of
warm and friendly people.
While most countries in and around the area are either already urbanized or
still retain focus on their natural beauty, the government of El Salvador has
placed much of its attention on developing the nation. This has given the
country the fastest rate of industrialization at present. This is largely
reflected in the economic boom, earning the country the title of third biggest
economy in the region. In its early years El Salvador focused more on
agriculture, in particular indigo, but now it has turned to coffee. This has
been a resounding success, as some of the world?s best coffee is now exported
from the country. The constant challenge that El Salvador faces is the frequency
with which natural disasters, such as earthquakes, occur.
Despite this, there is no doubt that the country will continue to grow from
strength to strength and continue to amaze the world with its economic and
cultural prowess.