A: Ecuador lies on the geographical coordinates of 2° 0' 0" S, 77° 30' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Ecuador in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -2.0 | -77.5 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 2° 0' 0" S | 77° 30' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:9778727.155931672 Easting:221892.2844584154 Zone:18M |
More detail about Ecuador
Ecuador - The Not So Little Nation On The Equator
Ecuador is arguably one of the more exotic places in South America. It literally
means Equator, which is not far off at all since the country is situated
virtually on the Equator itself.
The country is well known for its coffee, first and foremost, and then its line
of famous icons, not least of which is Christina Aguilera. If you thought
Ecuador was all about the nature and culture you would be mistaken. In fact, it
has made a significant contribution to science. Pedro Vicente Maldonado was a
mathematician; Eugenio Espejo was a pioneer in the medical field, while Jos?
Abelardo Due?s was a successful chemist. Other big names in sport in
particular, include Galo Legarda, Andres G?ez, Rolando, Vera Francisco Segura,
and Boris Burov.
It may come as a surprise that the country has so much to offer in the way of
great minds and talents, but when you look upstream you will see why this is so.
The education system in Ecuador ensures that each and every child receives at
least nine years at school in order to receive the minimum level of education.
While the country has faced steep challenges in the system, there is no doubt
that every effort is being made to ensure adequate education. Further than this,
the country has more than sixty universities which are present to help students
further their education.
Another aspect worth mentioning is the outstanding health system, which is
admittedly falling apart in most other South American countries. Ecuador, in
contrast, has the commitment and investment to ensure that their public health
system is running efficiently. This means that underprivileged patients can get
much needed healthcare for free.
So, look past the beauty that Ecuador has to offer, and consider the great
contributions that it is making to the world at large.