A: Dominican Republic lies on the geographical coordinates of 19° 0' 0" N, 70° 40' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Dominican Republic in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 19.0 | -70.6667 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 19° 0' 0" N | 70° 40' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2101658.3750804006 Easting:324560.37379130773 Zone:19Q |
More detail about Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic - Get In Line For Tropical Living
The Caribbean has always been a popular tourist destination, but one country
close by that really attracts people is the Dominican Republic. It is bursting
with culture, tourism, and energy. If tropical living is what you are after then
this is the place for you.
To put things in perspective, the Dominican Republic is situated on an island,
which it shares with neighboring Haiti. It is one of the largest nations in the
Caribbean, second only to Cuba. The mainstay of the country?s economy and what
it is best known for is the agriculture. This is reflected in the country?s
rather controversial reputation when it comes to cigars. Other important exports
include coffee, clothing, pharmaceuticals and fresh produce.
Whether you are visiting the Dominican Republic for business or pleasure, you
cannot escape the ever-present culture that resonates through the entire country
and threads itself through just about everything. The two main influences in
that regard would be the Spanish language and the Catholic religion, each of
which serve to influence music, dance, literature, architecture, and of course,
food. You can always look forward to music and art festivals.
If you want to stay for more than just a holiday, the Dominican Republic is a
good choice. Not only is the culture and lifestyle great, but the quality of
life is excellent. Because of the way things are run with regards to the
economy, the country is a relatively cheaper place to live. You can either save
more money, or get more with the money you have. This is equally great whether
you are looking to build a life here or just kick back for an early retirement.
If you want life to be all about sun, beaches, good food and entertainment, then
the Dominican Republic is the place to be.