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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Dominica?

A: Dominica lies on the geographical coordinates of 15° 25' 0" N, 61° 20' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of Dominica in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 15.4167 -61.3333
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 15° 25' 0" N 61° 20' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:1705107.390762338 Easting:678852.793532015 Zone:20P


More detail about Dominica

Dominica - The Untouched Caribbean

Few people know that Dominica exists, and if you were to tell them about it they would likely reply ?Don?t you mean the Dominican Republic?? Dominica is one of the islands that remain untouched. However, more and more people are starting to explore what it has to offer. Aside from its prospective natural beauty, it is always worthwhile considering the infrastructure as well.

Dominica is a small island nation that differs largely from similar countries. Instead of trying to use their country?s attractions to turn a profit, they continue to live life as normal. They are undoubtedly amongst the most relaxed people you will ever come across. Nothing is rushed, and the first thing you will notice upon landing on the island is the very warm, generous and cool nature of the people. They will be more than willing to show you around to admire the endless rivers and mountain ranges. However, they respect the land and live off the natural fruits and vegetables that grow instead of creating a booming agricultural industry.

As far as actual infrastructure goes, the island has by no means been urbanized to a tee. There are only two airports with a few main roads and a minibus transport system. The downside of the way Dominicans have chosen to live life is that there is lack of productivity. There is no real moneymaking industry except for tourism, which in effect seems to be incidental rather than exploitative planning. This has placed the country near the bottom of the list when it comes to gross domestic product. However, the people are happy with their way of life.

So if you are on the hunt for a relatively simple life with a chance to really get in touch with nature, then Dominica is definitely the place for you.

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