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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Costa Rica?

A: Costa Rica lies on the geographical coordinates of 10° 0' 0" N, 84° 0' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of Costa Rica in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 10.0 -84.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 10° 0' 0" N 84° 0' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:1106908.8541910055 Easting:171071.2640088685 Zone:17P


More detail about Costa Rica

Costa Rica is Continuing to Grow

Costa Rica has become one of the fastest growing countries in Central America. There are many reasons as to why the country has become as popular as it is. These include points that relate to its economy and how it trades with other countries.

The first point about Costa Rica is that it features one of the most impressive economies in the world. Costa Rica has long been known as a country that exports a variety of fruits and all types of seafood to different countries. However, it has become popular for its electronics industry.

Costa Rica is home to a large microprocessor plant. This plant from Intel hires many people to build and develop computer processors. Also, Costa Rica has a series of different health care product development facilities. These are located around the country with a variety of different specialties in mind. These are all helping to improve the quality of life in all parts of the country.

There is also the point about how Costa Rica is in a series of different trade agreements with a variety of other countries. These agreements can be found through such countries as the United States, Mexico and Canada. In fact, Costa Rica has been in the middle of negotiations with China and many points of Europe. The location of Costa Rica, which is right in between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, makes this an ideal country to do international business with.

One of the most interesting reasons why Costa Rica is growing comes from how it has freed up a large amount of money for development after its military was dissolved. The disbanding of the military occurred more than sixty years ago. Of course, Costa Rica is still protected by a full police force that is operated by the country?s government.

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