A: Canada lies on the geographical coordinates of 60° 0' 0" N, 95° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Canada in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 60.0 | -95.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 60° 0' 0" N | 95° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:6653097.435884086 Easting:388455.9580213504 Zone:15V |
More detail about Canada
Canada - Liberal - Multicultural
Canada is among those nations which has also believed in maintaining a mixed
economy and has openly welcomed people from all over the globe to contribute not
only to her economy, but also science and technology, arts, sports, education
and research, business and much more.
The policy of the Canadian government to open up the immigration and go global
has really worked wonders to the national economy. The major source of income in
Canada is through the tourism sector, education, entertainment, technology and
real estate.
Nature has been abundant and selfless with Canada and has provided her with huge
amount of natural resources. The country, in spite of having gone through one of
the worst global recession periods, has been very quick to rise out of it and
support the citizens. The banking sector has been doing very well especially and
recovered quick and fast.
Canada makes a lot of revenue by using the huge deposits of gas and oil. The US
is the major trading partner of Canada and the country?s maximum revenue comes
from exports.
The forest reserves in Canada are vast and also the fishing industry is one of
the biggest revenue boosters for Canada. Canada?s agricultural exports are
mainly wheat and grains. Even though there has been a steady downward slope in
the agricultural production, they still have managed to make good profits
through wheat export.
The labor costs are low and even the healthcare system is very well-organized in
Canada as these are regulated and monitored constantly by the government. Due to
these factors, automobile industries from other nations have set up
manufacturing plants in Canada.
Canada is a great place for students, IT professionals, filmmakers, scientists,
entrepreneurs and even people seeking low-paid jobs. Canada houses every kind of
world citizen and continues to make a major impact on the global economy.