A: Benin lies on the geographical coordinates of 9° 30' 0" N, 2° 15' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Benin in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 9.5 | 2.25 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 9° 30' 0" N | 2° 15' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1050220.4757622834 Easting:417678.58558423433 Zone:31P |
More detail about Benin
Benin - Surviving to thrive
Benin is a sub-Saharan African country. The nation hasn't made much progress
regards with education and scientific development. There is a huge challenge
faced by the government to increase literacy rates. The ratio of literacy was
very low initially and even the ratio of boys getting enrolled in schools was
double of girls.
Government took initiatives to encourage girls to join schools as well. Now,
recently the percentage of school attendance has increased significantly. There
is also a university which offers various courses in agriculture, medicine,
liberal arts, science, law, politics and economics. The language for learning is
French in schools and universities.
Benin consists of people from different tribes living in harmony. They have not
much to work for except agriculture which is their main source of income. The
cash crops are processed through intensive processing industries which have been
set up by the government to offer employment to the people.
Efforts have been made in recent years to promote tourism.
Child labor is a huge problem in this country. There is a huge amount of illegal
child trafficking which has been taking place and efforts have been made to
thwart the practice.
The health care is very poor in this country. There are not sufficient health
centers around. Efforts have been made to eradicate malnutrition and provide the
people with safe and clean drinking water. The infant mortality rate was very
high in the late nineties. Authorities are making efforts to improve facilities
for health care.
The country is rich with music, arts and literature. The reggae and hip-hop, and
rock and fusion have also made their invasions into the culture.
Many authors, playwrights and poets have enriched the culture of Benin and made
their nation proud.
Benin needs a lot of skilled workforce and they have opened up job vacancies for
people from different parts of the globe.