A: Bangladesh lies on the geographical coordinates of 24° 0' 0" N, 90° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Bangladesh in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 24.0 | 90.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 24° 0' 0" N | 90° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2657478.709339122 Easting:194772.8106622424 Zone:46R |
More detail about Bangladesh
Bangladesh - The Break Away
Bangladesh is a small territory right next to West Bengal state of India and is
a nation filled with the most warm-hearted and compassionate people. Dominated
by Muslims, this nation is far more secular in their faith. Known earlier as
East Bengal during the British occupation and East Pakistan after Indo-Pak
partition, Bangladesh was formed after internal strife broke out with people
claiming for an independent state.
Even though a small nation, the culture is still resounding with the tradition
of West Bengal. Music, dance and theatre are still a rich part of their culture.
The Bangladeshis also have their own film industry where renowned artists from
India work regularly and are a favorite among the locals.
The country is constantly susceptible to floods from the Brahmaputra valley.
There have also been cyclones in this region which has often put the country
into turmoil. In spite of the many challenges, citizens of this nation have
worked hard in the agricultural sector to alleviate poverty.
Weaving is a great part of their culture. Cotton saris are very famous here.
Handicrafts and handlooms are all hand woven. You can even find pottery as an
important of their culture and artisans work on sculpting and stone carving.
The main issue that plagues the nation's progress is over population. Students
from Bangladesh often migrate to other countries for their education. The
education for girls in Bangladesh is free and for everybody education is
compulsory in primary school.
The government came up with programs like food for education and nationwide
integration of education. Steps have been taken constantly to improve the
literacy rate and yet a lot remains to be done.
Bangladesh is a strong participant in sports like Football and Cricket.
The political instability and corruption are also reasons for slow progress in