A: Azerbaijan lies on the geographical coordinates of 40° 30' 0" N, 47° 30' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Azerbaijan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 40.5 | 47.5 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 40° 30' 0" N | 47° 30' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4486257.35140116 Easting:711845.2910810617 Zone:38T |
More detail about Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan - A Difficult Life
Even though the economy of Azerbaijan may have shown steady growth, life in the
villages is still very difficult. With constant disputes of territory with her
neighbor, Armenia, life is really troublesome on the frontline. There are many
hard facts which can be presented about this nation even though they have strong
trade partners like Germany, Russia, China and Turkey.
The nation has show strong economic growth and stability, but still there is a
lot to be done for the common man. There is enough oil, gas and cotton produced
in Azerbaijan for export.
People in the villages depend on agriculture by cultivating grapes, cotton,
rice, vegetables and tea. They also have enough cattle, pigs and goats to
sustain with.
Science and technology has been prominent in this nation as there and petroleum
and petroleum products industries here. There are also steel industries along
with iron, cement and chemicals and textiles.
Work force is good and there has been a steady fall in the unemployment rate
over the years. Azerbaijan has brought strong improvement in providing jobs to
the locals. For the past five to six years the unemployment rate hasn't changed
but maintained a steady balance.
The education in Azerbaijan is splendid and they have had a very strong system
even from the ancient days. They did face a lot of problems after the Russian
downfall, but still a great part of the population is either students or
During the days of the Soviet Union, literacy was at its highest just one short
of centum. Even the teachers receive very high salaries compared with other
government workers. There are problems faced by the people regards with
education and computer literacy has not caught up with great speed with the rest
of the world. Private schools are also slowly opening up to improve quality and
standards of infrastructure.