A: Algeria lies on the geographical coordinates of 28° 0' 0" N, 3° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Algeria in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 28.0 | 3.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 28° 0' 0" N | 3° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3097202.370580664 Easting:500000.0 Zone:31R |
More detail about Algeria
Algeria - Developing Nation
Algeria has a very interesting French past. Being the second largest from the
African continent, Algeria has vast amounts of natural resources and gas. A
beautiful country, she extends into the Sahara desert and the northern part ends
into the Mediterranean Sea. Even though Algeria has a closed economy with strong
restrictions on foreign and private investments, a lot of the national revenue
comes from the oil reserves.
The country is ridden with constant issues of large scale unemployment, lack of
housing facilities, and also water and power supply is inconsistent and
inadequate. The country also faces increased corruption and inefficient
governance. There are also strong extremist forces active to thwart the progress
of the nation.
There is constant news of kidnappings of people by the militants and even many
incidents of bombing. In the midst of every kind of turmoil, life moves on at
its genuine pace in Algeria.
Education is not up to expected standards in Algeria in spite of it being free
and compulsory for citizens up to 17 years of age. There is a shortage of
teachers in the country.
There are sufficient universities in the country but the amount of students
getting enrolled is not much. The problem of meeting student's requirements
still persists in the midst of rising corruption.
The current government has signed up deals with neighboring states to build a
gas pipeline and share the energy. The economy has surged enough for the
government to even clear debts with the French.
Science and technology has been improved even though the country is short of
skilled workers. There have been steel and petrochemical industries set up after
independence. The amazing part is that government has funded universities to set
up research centers in fields of astrophysics, astronomy, oceanography,
renewable energy and much more.